Over the past few years we’ve been seeing a trend of “going backwards” to bring back things of the past. When cell phones first came out, they were in cars. Then a carrying bag with a strap. Then they become more mobile to carry with a plug in charger. You remember the clam shell flip phones? Or dumb phones? Then we went to blackberry’s for those who sent emails from their phones. We then migrated to the smart phone? IPhone, touch screens, mobile apps. The phones started off small. The 1st gen and subsequent generation of smarts phones (IPhones) were made small. We had small screens for many years. We have been moving back to larger screens, which started with the Samsung Note-1st gen a few years ago Many phones are now larger. We are flipping back and forth from small to large screens.
Do you remember vinyl records and record players? Vinyl records was the way we heard music back in the day, and the way radio stations played new songs over the air for listeners. We went from vinyl to cassettes to CD’s to digital music. You may have noticed a resurgence of vinyl. We started seeing record players show up in Barnes and Noble stores pre-covid, around 2019. Now you can get them on Amazon and Walmart. Those who are gravitating to these items of old want the nostalgia of hearing a record live and also with some slight static. So vinyl records are rising in demand.
Additionally, there is an interest in boom boxes. Remember those? Double cassette players, with a CD player and takes 10 D batteries. Look at prices for some of those. We are going backwards to cassettes and some CD’s.
Interest in AM/FM desktop radios with dials are also are the rise. You see new old stock vintage type of radios for sale. These are new radios with a vintage look. We’re not talking about those, but they do meet a need for a certain segment. But there’s an interest in 1950’s-1970’s old radios. The nostalgia of turning on a radio and hearing live music and talk, turning the red pointed arrow dial while picking up a free station is appealing to people vs digital music.
Look up the cost of VCR’s. Many are buying those. We are going backwards as many want the nostalgia. Paper books and reading a document in paper form are also seeing rising interest. Hmm…
Wristwatch purchases have also been on the rise for a few years. Most people tell time with their phones, or laptops or clocks in cars. Some want the nostalgia of wearing a time piece. We are going backwards. Kinda like, every 20 years or so your closet of old clothes becomes fashionable. These things are happening in all age groups.
What are you thoughts on why this is happening? Other than the nostalgia?